Weld Nut Importers and Buyers in India

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Weld Nut Importer

In Oct-Dec 2015, the total value of imports of Weld Nut in India from foreign countries was US $ 692.8 Thousand – an increase of 692,826 percent from Oct-Dec 2014 with import quantity of 468 units.

The Major Supplier of Weld Nut to India were Republic Of Korea from which India have Imported US $ 260.4 Thousand worth of Weld Nut in Oct-Dec 2015 , India’s imports from Japan reached US $ 135.8 Thousand worth of Weld Nut goods and Imports from Taiwan had a value that was US $ 108.8 Thousand worth of Weld Nut goods.

From Oct 2015 till date, Republic Of Korea is the largest supplier of Weld Nut accounting for imports in India worth US $ 260.4 Thousand followed by Japan from where India have Imported Weld Nut worth US $ 135.8 Thousand.

There are 2 Importers that have the maximum shares of Weld Nut Imports in terms of value in the year 2004, Namely R.l.khanna (gurgaon) with an Import value of US $ 275.7 Thousand and Tecumseh Products India Private Limited with an Import value of US $ 498.5 Thousand.

Major Weld Nut Supplier Countries -Oct to Dec-2015

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Latest Weld Nut Import in India

Date HS Code Product Imported India Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit
31-12-2015 73181600 SEAT BELT PARTS FOR AUTOMOBILE 7BDXA075-AA (XA075 WELD NUT M6) Madras Sea JAPAN 5000 PCS
31-12-2015 73181600 7703042100 ECROU A SOUDER M8X125 ( WELD NUT M8X125-8 ) - CAR PARTS Jnpt ROMANIA 2400 NOS
31-12-2015 73181600 7703042110 ECROU A SOUDER M10X150 ( WELD NUT M10X150 ) - CAR PARTS Jnpt ROMANIA 500 NOS
31-12-2015 73181600 WELD NUT PART NO.777301DA0A (ACTUAL USER) Madras Sea JAPAN 1495 KGS
30-12-2015 73181600 WELD NUT M6 PART NO. 82810-68P10-04-02 (PARTS OF HANDLE FOR AUTOMOBILE(CAPTIVE CONSUMPTION) Delhi Ppg Icd JAPAN 224000 PCS
30-12-2015 73181600 WELD NUT M3 PART NO. 82810-68P40-02-03 (PARTS OF HANDLE FOR AUTOMOBILE(CAPTIVE CONSUMPTION) Delhi Ppg Icd JAPAN 89000 PCS
30-12-2015 73181500 WELD NUT M8 X 125 8 -7703042100 Bombay Air ROMANIA 1600 PCS
30-12-2015 87089900 M8 WELD NUT 13905-08000(SHI) (PARTS FOR PASSENGER CARS) (ACTUAL USER) Madras Sea REPUBLIC OF KOREA 601 KGS
30-12-2015 87089900 M6 WELD NUT 13905-06000(SHI) (PARTS FOR PASSENGER CARS) (ACTUAL USER) Madras Sea REPUBLIC OF KOREA 351 KGS

India Weld Nut Importers Sample Data

Date HS Code Product Imported India Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit
16-06-2004 87089900 WELD NUT M10 Madras Sea REPUBLIC OF KOREA 39000.0 NOS
03-12-2004 73181500 WELD NUT M8 Madras Sea REPUBLIC OF KOREA 63000.0 NOS
03-12-2004 73181500 WELD NUT M6 Madras Sea REPUBLIC OF KOREA 52500.0 NOS
17-12-2004 73079990 WELD-NUT Madras Sea REPUBLIC OF KOREA 70000.0 PCS
07-06-2004 73160010 DIN 929 HEX WELD NUT PLAIN P/ Bombay Sea TAIWAN 124200.0 PCS

Date HS Code Product Imported India Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit
04-12-2004 73181600 1390612001 M12 SPL WELD NUT Madras Sea REPUBLIC OF KOREA 16000.0 PCS
30-12-2004 87089900 1390612001 M12 SPL WELD NUT Madras Sea REPUBLIC OF KOREA 51000.0 PCS
30-12-2004 87089900 1390510000 M10 WELD NUT Madras Sea REPUBLIC OF KOREA 9000.0 PCS
24-08-2004 87089900 1390510000 M10 WELD NUT Madras Sea REPUBLIC OF KOREA 54000.0 PCS
24-08-2004 87089900 1390612001 M12 SPL WELD NUT Madras Sea REPUBLIC OF KOREA 46000.0 PCS