Positive Insert Importers and Buyers in India

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Positive Insert Importer

In Oct-Dec 2015, the total value of imports of Positive Insert in India from foreign countries was US $ 37.0 Thousand – an increase of 37,046 percent from Oct-Dec 2014 with import quantity of 190 units.

The Major Supplier of Positive Insert to India were Germany from which India have Imported US $ 31.6 Thousand worth of Positive Insert in Oct-Dec 2015 , India’s imports from United States Of America reached US $ 5.0 Thousand worth of Positive Insert goods and Imports from Singapore had a value that was US $ 417.0 worth of Positive Insert goods.

From Oct 2015 till date, Germany is the largest supplier of Positive Insert accounting for imports in India worth US $ 31.6 Thousand followed by United States Of America from where India have Imported Positive Insert worth US $ 5.0 Thousand.

There are 0 Importers that have the maximum shares of Positive Insert Imports in terms of value in the year 2004, Namely R.l.khanna (gurgaon) with an Import value of US $ 70.1 Thousand and International Refrigeration Corpn with an Import value of US $ 19.5 Thousand.

Major Positive Insert Supplier Countries -Oct to Dec-2015

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Latest Positive Insert Import in India

Date HS Code Product Imported India Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit
30-12-2015 82078000 KENLOC FP FINISHING POSITIVE INSERT - TNMG160404FP - 1819354 Bangalore Air GERMANY 20 NOS
30-12-2015 82078000 POSITIVE INSERT - VBMT160404F - 4165292 Bangalore Air GERMANY 70 NOS
30-12-2015 82078000 POSITIVE INSERT GEO MU - TCMT16T308MU - 3795085 Bangalore Air GERMANY 211 NOS
30-12-2015 82078000 SCREW ON MP MEDIUM POSITIVE INSERT - SCMT09T304MP - 3744898 Bangalore Air SINGAPORE 20 NOS
30-12-2015 82078000 POSITIVE INSERT - CCMT060204F - 4165438 Bangalore Air SINGAPORE 10 NOS
29-12-2015 82078000 POSITIVE INSERT - CCGT0602041P - 4163980 Bangalore Air GERMANY 100 NOS
29-12-2015 82078000 POSITIVE INSERT TN10U - CCMT09T3081P - 4166353 Bangalore Air GERMANY 10 NOS
29-12-2015 82078000 KENLOC RP ROUGHING POSITIVE INSERT - CNMG120408RP - 3758175 Bangalore Air GERMANY 20 NOS
29-12-2015 82078000 POSITIVE INSERT TN10U - CCMT09T3081P - 4166353 Bangalore Air GERMANY 130 NOS
29-12-2015 82090090 INSERTS - SCREW ON HP HIGH POSITIVE INSERT - CCGT060204HP - 1560389 Bangalore Air GERMANY 120 NOS

India Positive Insert Importers Sample Data

Date HS Code Product Imported India Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit
21-12-2004 64059000 SHOES LADY SHOES OTHER THAN SPORT SHOES ART NO. 501-6874,5874, 7874 Calcutta Sea CHINA 4540.0 PRS
21-12-2004 64059000 SHOES LADY SHOES OTHER THAN SPORT SHOES ART NO. 501-6899 8899, 5899 Calcutta Sea CHINA 7640.0 PRS
16-09-2004 64035920 LADY SHOES Delhi Tkd Icd CHINA 48.0 PRS
16-09-2004 64035920 LADY SHOES Delhi Tkd Icd CHINA 1100.0 NOS
27-09-2004 64039990 LADY SHOES. Bombay Sea THAILAND 732.0 PRS

Date HS Code Product Imported India Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit
15-04-2004 64041910 OMG103-1 L-BRW BLK (LEATHER LADY SHOES) Delhi Tkd Icd CHINA 48.0 PRS
15-04-2004 64041910 HT266-13 COF WHT (LEATHER LADY SHOES) Delhi Tkd Icd CHINA 48.0 PRS
15-04-2004 64041910 RQ3318-11 BLK (LEATHER LADY SHOES) Delhi Tkd Icd CHINA 24.0 PRS
15-04-2004 64041910 JT0499-19 BRW BLU (LEATHER LADY SHOES) Delhi Tkd Icd CHINA 48.0 PRS
15-04-2004 64041910 FH909-33 CON BLK (LEATHER LADY SHOES) Delhi Tkd Icd CHINA 48.0 PRS