Photoelectric Sensor Importers and Buyers in India

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Photoelectric Sensor Importer

In Oct-Dec 2015, the total value of imports of Photoelectric Sensor in India from foreign countries was US $ 772.6 Thousand – an increase of 772,597 percent from Oct-Dec 2014 with import quantity of 2,418 units.

The Major Supplier of Photoelectric Sensor to India were Japan from which India have Imported US $ 196.0 Thousand worth of Photoelectric Sensor in Oct-Dec 2015 , India’s imports from China reached US $ 178.4 Thousand worth of Photoelectric Sensor goods and Imports from Germany had a value that was US $ 139.2 Thousand worth of Photoelectric Sensor goods.

From Oct 2015 till date, Japan is the largest supplier of Photoelectric Sensor accounting for imports in India worth US $ 196.0 Thousand followed by China from where India have Imported Photoelectric Sensor worth US $ 178.4 Thousand.

There are 2 Importers that have the maximum shares of Photoelectric Sensor Imports in terms of value in the year 2004, Namely R.l.khanna (gurgaon) with an Import value of US $ 53.3 Thousand and Ash & Alain India Pvt Ltd. with an Import value of US $ 14.5 Thousand.

Major Photoelectric Sensor Supplier Countries -Oct to Dec-2015

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Latest Photoelectric Sensor Import in India

Date HS Code Product Imported India Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit
31-12-2015 90318000 E3JK-RR12 2M OMS(4SL892617)E3JK7052E(PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR) Bangalore Air CHINA 152 NOS
31-12-2015 90318000 E3JK-DR11 2M OMS(4SL892625)E3JK7053C(PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR) Bangalore Air CHINA 33 NOS
31-12-2015 90318000 E3JK-DR12 2M OMS(4SL892633)E3JK7054A(PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR) Bangalore Air CHINA 13 NOS
31-12-2015 90318000 E3S-CL1 2M OMS(4SL892641)E3S 7029E(PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR) Bangalore Air CHINA 6 NOS
31-12-2015 90318000 E3Z-T81 2M OMS(4SL892676)E3Z 7002R(PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR) Bangalore Air CHINA 2 NOS
31-12-2015 90318000 E3Z-R86 OMS(4SL893532)E3Z 7012F(PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR) Bangalore Air CHINA 67 NOS
31-12-2015 90318000 E3Z-R61 5M OMS(4SL894253)E3Z 7033R(PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR) Bangalore Air CHINA 2 NOS
31-12-2015 90318000 E3Z-LS81 2M OMS(4SL892684)E3Z 7241B(PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR) Bangalore Air CHINA 2 NOS
31-12-2015 90318000 E3X-DA11-S 2M OMS(4SL882182)E3X 7128A(PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR) Bangalore Air CHINA 1 NOS
31-12-2015 90318000 E3Z-LL81 2M OMS(4SL893656)E3Z 7411C(PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR) Bangalore Air CHINA 4 NOS

India Photoelectric Sensor Importers Sample Data

Date HS Code Product Imported India Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit
25-12-2004 90314900 LASER PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR LX2-11/LX2.70 Madras Air JAPAN 4.0 SET
25-12-2004 90314900 PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR 6F Madras Air JAPAN 2.0 PCS
25-12-2004 90314900 PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR FU66 Madras Air JAPAN 2.0 PCS
25-12-2004 90314900 PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR FU Madras Air JAPAN 2.0 PCS
09-12-2004 90318000 XUMLH0451S PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR Delhi Air FRANCE 2.0 NOS

Date HS Code Product Imported India Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit
03-09-2004 90318000 E3T-ST122M PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR Delhi Air JAPAN 7.0 PCS
03-09-2004 90318000 E3JK 5DM1 2M PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR Delhi Air JAPAN 1.0 PCS
28-09-2004 90318000 E3C-S10 2M (PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR) Delhi Air JAPAN 3.0 PCS
28-09-2004 90318000 E32-CC200 (PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR) Delhi Air JAPAN 2.0 PCS
28-09-2004 90318000 E3S-AT11 2M(PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR) Delhi Air JAPAN 10.0 PCS