Copper Pipe Fitting Importers and Buyers in India

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Copper Pipe Fitting Importer

In Jul-Sep 2015, the total value of imports of Copper Pipe Fitting in India from foreign countries was US $ 134.1 Thousand – an increase of 134,111 percent from Jul-Sep 2014 with import quantity of 130 units.

The Major Supplier of Copper Pipe Fitting to India were United Kingdom from which India have Imported US $ 62.0 Thousand worth of Copper Pipe Fitting in Jul-Sep 2015 , India’s imports from China reached US $ 51.9 Thousand worth of Copper Pipe Fitting goods and Imports from United Arab Emirates had a value that was US $ 19.2 Thousand worth of Copper Pipe Fitting goods.

From Jul 2015 till date, United Kingdom is the largest supplier of Copper Pipe Fitting accounting for imports in India worth US $ 62.0 Thousand followed by China from where India have Imported Copper Pipe Fitting worth US $ 51.9 Thousand.

There are 1 Importers that have the maximum shares of Copper Pipe Fitting Imports in terms of value in the year 2004, Namely R.l.khanna (gurgaon) with an Import value of US $ 7.7 Thousand and Multiflo Instruments Pvt Ltd with an Import value of US $ 71.9 Thousand.

Major Copper Pipe Fitting Supplier Countries -Jul to Sep-2015

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Latest Copper Pipe Fitting Import in India

Date HS Code Product Imported India Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit
09-10-2015 74121000 COPPER PIPE FITTING TEE (3000 PCS) Jnpt CHINA 42 KGS
09-10-2015 74121000 COPPER PIPE FITTING TEE (300 PCS) Jnpt CHINA 62.4 KGS
09-10-2015 74121000 COPPER PIPE FITTING TEE (250 PCS) Jnpt CHINA 225 KGS
09-10-2015 74121000 COPPER PIPE FITTING REDUCING TEE (125 PCS) Jnpt CHINA 98.8 KGS
09-10-2015 74121000 COPPER PIPE FITTING REDUCING TEE (75 PCS) Jnpt CHINA 59.3 KGS
09-10-2015 74121000 COPPER PIPE FITTING REDUCING TEE (150 PCS) Jnpt CHINA 54.2 KGS
09-10-2015 74121000 COPPER PIPE FITTING REDUCING TEE ( 50 PCS) Jnpt CHINA 18 KGS
09-10-2015 74121000 COPPER PIPE FITTING REDUCING TEE (200 PCS) Jnpt CHINA 38.2 KGS
09-10-2015 74121000 COPPER PIPE FITTING REDICING TEE (200 PCS) Jnpt CHINA 38.2 KGS
09-10-2015 74121000 COPPER PIPE FITTING REDUCING TEE (500 PCS) Jnpt CHINA 39.3 KGS

India Copper Pipe Fitting Importers Sample Data

Date HS Code Product Imported India Port Foreign Country Quantity Unit
02-09-2004 74121000 22 ELBOW(COPPER PIPE FITTING) Delhi Air UNITED KINGDOM 2000.0 PCS
02-09-2004 74121000 76X54 COUPLING(COPPER PIPE FITTING) Delhi Air UNITED KINGDOM 5.0 PCS
02-09-2004 74121000 76X35 COUPLING(COPPER PIPE FITTING) Delhi Air UNITED KINGDOM 11.0 PCS
02-09-2004 74121000 12 ELBOW(COPPER PIPE FITTING) Delhi Air UNITED KINGDOM 1000.0 PCS